Welcome Foxboro Neighbors!
* * *
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of those that do evil, but because of those who watch it and let it happen."

{Albert Einstein}

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Area 1 Meeting

When: Wednesday, January 7th @ 7:30 p.m.
Where: Gina Catenzaro's - 267 Caleb Dr.
Don't forget to meet your neighbors and collect information. See 'Downloads' on the right hand side of this website for information papers.
Anyone living in Area 1 is invited! Happy Holidays!

Recent Break-In!

I'm posting this e-mail transcript that was shared with the Area Coordinators; its about a recent house break-in that occurred in Area One (Boston Dr.) on Monday. This is why the Neighborhood Watch program is so important. If you haven't signed up to help but you'd like to, please contact your Block Captain or Area Coordinator. The more help we can get, the safer Foxboro will be. Those of you who are already involved, please e-mail this post/website to friends or neighbors in Foxboro who you think would like to get involved as well.

"Just a heads up, someone kicked in our front door at 4:30 this morning. Talking to the police and the builder, there's been a break in about once a week in the Foxboro area. You guys mentioned a neighborhood watch program yesterday, so if you could pass this on to let others know. I don't want to make anyone paranoid but just so anyone can take any extra precautions. Thanks."

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Area 4 Meeting

Thursday, December 11th! 7:30 pm at Yogi Berry!
Bring your Family Information Sheets

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sign-up for Patrols!

Please see your Area Coordinator to learn about and sign-up for patrols in your area!

Remember: Areas 1 and 4 will be combining for patrols. Be sure to cover the ENTIRE area (industrial areas included).

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Recent Criminal Activity in Foxboro

As a reminder to us all, we recently had a number of incidents of tagging in Foxboro. The tags appear to be that of the Serano 13 again (similar to that over the summer) Thank you to those residents who reported the incidents and for also ensuring it was cleaned up within a few hours. If you see graffiti, please notify the local police as well as the property owner.

Additionally, some residents whose backyards border the new school (currently under construction), indicated that Saturday night, there was some commotion going on inside the construction area. They called the police and the dispatcher indicated that police were already on the scene. While it is unclear at this time what happened, we need to be aware that something happened.

These are both examples that vigilance is needed from all residents of Foxboro to keep our area safe and clean.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Introducing yourself to your neighbors: helpful hand-outs

Some of the Areas have had their first (and some even second) meetings and have been given the homework assignment, as it were, to get to know your neighbors.

As Block Captains, Area Coordinators, and just neighbors in general, it's VERY important to get to know who we live by so we can better serve them and help keep our blocks safe.

Area 4 Coordinator, Roxey Catenzaro, has designed some hand-outs that can help us in our pursuit to get to know our neighbors. Ask your Area Coordinator for these hand-outs if you haven't already received them or download them by clicking on the links below:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Area 4 Meeting!

Area 4 will be having their very first meeting this Wednesday, November 12th @ 7:30 pm at Yogi Berry yogurt shop. It is located right by Kangaroo Zoo on Redwood Road. Anyone from Area 4 is welcome, even if you're not a Block Captain! See you then!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Area 1 Meeting

Area 1 (Caleb, Foxboro, Stamford, Boston, Somersby, etc.) will be having their very first meeting this Thursday, November 6th @ 8pm at Steve Groke's home (an Area 1 Block Captain): 361 N Stamford. Anyone from Area 1 is welcome, even if you're not a Block Captain! See you then!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Neighborhood Watch Signs

I hope everyone has taken notice of the new signs in our neighborhood. Now it is up to all of us to ensure that they mean something.

Area 3 Meeting

Area 3 Will hold an area meeting on Tuesday Oct. 28 at 6:30 pm at the LDS Church on Foxboro Dr. We will discuss block captains and patrols for Area 3. Please contact Stewart Harman if you have any questions.

Friday, October 17, 2008

What's going on?

Your Area Coordinators are currently deciding how to best organize block captains and area patrols and will contact you shortly with more information.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Welcome to Foxboro's very own Neighborhood Watch blog! We're so excited to begin this program in our neighborhood, and even more excited that you're interested in the safety and up-keep of our fine Foxboro area, just as we are; you visiting this blog proves just that. So thank you, thank you!

Hopefully you're visiting this blog because you joined us at our Neighborhood Watch Kick-Off meeting held on October 2nd at the Wasatch Peak Academy, but if not, welcome anyway! We made this blog in hopes that it will be a major tool in helping us all to understand and get active in our very own Neighborhood Watch program. And not just that, but we hope it can also be a great resource for us all in providing links, updates, contact information, and answering any questions you might have about this new program.

Please let any friends and family who may live in Foxboro know of this blog, so they too can reap it's benefits. Send them this link: http://www.foxboro-nsl.blogspot.com/

And thanks again for doing your part to help keep Foxboro safe and strong. Please visit this site often!

NOTE: Commenting concerns on this blog is typically reserved for Block Captains and their Area Coordinators. Please see your Block Captain for personal questions or concerns you may have before commenting them here. Thanks! (See right-side panel 4 to find out who your Block Captain is.)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What is a Block Captain?

Block Captain volunteers are responsible for relaying information to members on their block, keep up-to-date information on residents, and make special efforts to involve the elderly, working parents, and young people. Block Captains can also serve as a liaison between the neighborhood and the police and communicate information about meetings and crime incidents to all residents.

How do I become a Block Captain?
Contact your Area Coordinator; emails are listed on the right-side of this blog 4. Click here to find who your Area Coordinator is.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Area Map

*Click on the image to enlarge it*

Click on the Area Coordinator for contact info:

Jordan Baldwin (area 2 - apartments)

Jamie Duncan (area 5)
(Area 2 is currently under construction - you may contact Gina, Roxey, or Stewart)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Foxboro Area 1 (FB1)

Area Coordinator: Gina Catenzaro
e: gina.catenzaro@hotmail.com
#: 801.859.7078

Block Captains
Somersby: Scott Moss (993), Kyle Fraughton (239), Tommy & Erin Ashton (954)
Alford Ct: Dan Davidson (348), Mike Landhiem (331)
Boston: Kevin Shipp (176), Jeff & Jamie Nopper (273), Paul & Katie Garrett (243)
Caleb: Linda Garn (208), Gina Catenzaro*(267), Jared & Jesse Nelson (247)
Foxboro Dr: Crystal Makin (180)
Stamford: Steven Groke (361), Mike Schmidt (358), Jake Smith (322), Jermaine Speed (353), David Swenson (350)

*area coordinator

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Foxboro Area 2 (FB2)

Area Coordinator: open for involvement

Block Captains:

Foxboro Area 2-Apartments (FB2-A)

Area Coordinator: Jordan Baldwin
e: avalanchhound@yahoo.com

Block Captains: volunteers needed!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Foxboro Area 3 (FB3)

Area Coordinator: Stewart Harman
e: stewart.harman@gmail.com
#: 801.992.3815

Block Captains:
coming soon!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Foxboro Area 4 (FB4)

Area Coordinator: Roxey Catenzaro
e: foxeyroxey79@yahoo.com
#: 801.294.5848

Block Captains:
coming soon!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Foxboro Area 5 (FB5)

Area Coordinator: Jamie Duncan
e: dunc010@yahoo.com
#: 801.205.5604

Block Captains:

We need you!! Contact Jamie to volunteer to be a block captain.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Foxboro Area 6 (FB6)

Area Coordinator: Ron Whitehead
e: ronaldwhitehead@comcast.net
#: 801.671.0894

Block Captains:
coming soon!!